Saturday, September 29, 2012
Forget Empire America–Save Your Kids
Forget Empire America–Save Your Kids
“If the historic struggle between communism and freedom is over, if the Soviet Empire and Soviet Union no longer exist, if the Russians wish to befriend us and the Maoists have taken the capitalist road, what is our new mission in the world? What do we do now? ... perhaps John Quincy Adams’s counsel may commend itself to a country weary from a century of crusades:
‘America does not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own.’”
–Patrick J. Buchanan, ‘America’s Last Crusade,’ Taki Magazine, 25 September 2012*
As usual, Pat's got it right. Unfortunately, however, words like ‘we’, ‘us’ and ‘our’, when referring to America, or Europe, or other Western nations, will have less and less meaning as Western open-borders "Celebrate diversity!" nations become ever more balkanized by multiculturalism into ever more unwieldy conglomerations of irreconcilable races, religions, ideologies, languages, cultures and customs.
The coming decades-long challenge will not be to try to somehow forge together that which cannot be forged, out of an increasingly violent deadly corrupt anthill shantytown fractured splintered Bladerunner surveillance-state America, but to carry out a noble struggle for the survival of all people of European heritage, and to reconstitute ourselves into several new nations with enforced borders and laws that will never again allow ourselves to become overwhelmed by alien peoples and required by our own evil elites to ghoulishly celebrate the demographic demise of our own great-grandkids.