Friday, March 22, 2013

Unlike Ann Coulter Rand Paul Swallowed by Open-Borders Sinkhole

John Derbyshire On Rand Paul And Ann Coulter: Lose Some, Win Some, The War Grinds On

Authorities announced that Rand Paul's mind cannot be retrieved. 
... In seeking an explanation, I am more inclined to impersonal historical forces. Reading Paul’s speech, in fact, what came to mind—and I mean no disrespect to the dead—was that awful story out of Florida a few weeks ago, about the poor chap who was swallowed by a sinkhole while watching TV in bed.
Rand Paul suffered some analogous political fate. Playing the part of the Florida terrain here is the intellectual framework of our current politics: a thin crust of firm civic republicanism overlaying a deep wet karst of utopian romanticism. Playing the part of aquifer depletion is the draining away of national spirit under the forces of multiculturalism and ethnomasochism. Playing the part of gravity is the Republican Party’s current, powerful death wish.
GLWOOP! There goes another one.
And, as always in human affairs, sheer stupidity and sloth are not to be neglected. Given that Rand Paul’s speech was stitched together from the stalest, most threadbare clichés—the kind of thing immigration patriots have been debunking for a decade and more—you have to wonder how much time the junior Senator from Kentucky put into reading up on his chosen topic. ...
So much for the “one out.” The “one in” was Ann Coulter, who told CPAC last Saturday afternoon:
I'm now a single-issue voter against amnesty…We offer hope, opportunity, and jobs. And I hope that we offer a change to our absolutely suicidal immigration policies.
Ann is not a legislator, although I understand that Peter Brimelow is having some COULTER FOR PRESIDENT lapel buttons made up. She is a brilliant and popular polemicist, though, and her speech—and the applause it got from the CPAC crowd—could be a milestone on the road back from the demoralized GOP’s surrender on immigration.
It is good to know, too, that the lady has decisively unhitched herself from the gun-controlling, border-opening Chris Christie. Ann signaled her refusal to be embarrassed about that error by opening her CPAC talk with a Christie joke: “The sequester’s really ruined everything, hasn't it? . . . Even CPAC had to cut back on its speakers this year by about 300 pounds.” (At 20 seconds in here.)
The chutzpah is characteristic, and welcome in a movement that has all too often in recent years been timidly deferential to the established liberal order. ...
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Update on comfortingly sane Coulter views on legal immigration as well: