Sunday, May 26, 2013

'Job Displacement by Amnestied Aliens Seen as a Plus by Associated Press' (AP stands for Associated Press or Amnesty Propaganda?)

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Job Displacement by Amnestied Aliens Seen as a Plus by Associated Press

The Associated Press has a cheerful pro-amnesty item for Memorial Day weekend, noting how the 1986 legalization allowed Mexican farmworkers to get out of the fields and into better jobs. AP’s Mexican hero, Paulino Mejia, moved from agricultural picking to construction, a field once prized by Americans for its decent pay until immigrants and illegal aliens took it over in affected areas.
But the AP thinks we little citizens should be pleased that amnesty allowed illegal aliens to displace American citizens from good jobs. For some odd reason,journalism is one of the few occupations not threatened by hordes of foreign workers, so scribblers have little sympathy for American job loss.
Friend of citizen workers Senator Jeff Sessions explained one dire amnesty effect:
[. . .] “They’ll be able to immediately apply for much better jobs than they currently have,” Sessions warned of illegal immigrants set to join the pathway to citizenship. “Maybe they were working at a restaurant part time. Now they’re going to be truck drivers, heavy-equipment operators competing at the factories and plants and we’ve got an unemployment rate that’s very high.” [. . .]

. . .

     Even I have been surprised at the extent of the raging pro-amnesty propaganda campaign being churned out by the Associated Press--the news service that officially decided to forever stop using the term 'illegal immigrant' because it is not respectful--in favor of this latest DC amnesty scheme. 

     Who expects logic from the pro-amnesty crowd? But not only is the AP applauding illegal framworkers coming to America, getting amnestied and then moving into better jobs--during times of high citizen unemployment!--in the same breath that they are talking about how wonderful all this is, they point out how economically dire is the economy of California's Central Valley. 

     Let's see: Mass illegal and legal immigration is a boon to America's economy, although the state that has been the greatest beneficiary of this never-ending massive in-migration has become an economic basket case. Well, okay, I'm glad we've cleared that one up.