Saturday, November 21, 2015

Allan Wall - VDare - Memo From Middle America: Trump Says He Loves Hispanics—And Some Love Him Back - But why would any Hispanics support Trump? For the same reason white workers would. Trump’s promise to control immigration serves the interests of blue collar American workers of all races

Blue collar worker portrait: Photos, Romans, Faces, Portraits, Mornings, Photo Early, Roman Shalenkin

The Main Stream Media and the GOP Establishment keep telling usRepublicans need to win the Latino vote, and therefore have toreject Donald Trump and immigration patriotism. But there’s not much evidence to suggest that’s the case. Indeed, Trump may have a better shot at winning Latino voters than the latest Great GOP Hispanic Hope, Marco Rubio. (Memo to GOP: Rubio is a Cuban. MostHispanics are Mexicans. It’s not the same thing).
Of course, that’s not what the likes of Mitt Romney and Lindsey Graham will tell you. Their brilliant strategy seems to be to simply give the La Raza lobby everything it wants. Not surprisingly, that’s what the consultant class wants as well ...