Tuesday, March 8, 2016

American Resistance: New York City leading the way in discarding citizenship as a requirement to vote - As the Left pushes ever more insanely leftward, Trump upsets so many because he actually goes on the offensive for America.

'Star Wars' bar scene or typical NYC polling place?

Ann Corcoran

You’ve heard the news I’m sure, but in posting this the point I want to make is this:
The Left never gives up pushing the envelope.  They wake up every morning planning their next big outrageous assault on our sovereignty, our Constitution, and our culture.  We, who want to preserve America as founded, are constantly on the defense.
George Soros
Soros (the bag man behind the NYC scheme) understood, along with his one-worlder pals in Davos, the threat Trump represents. Trump is willing to go on the offense and they aren’t used to that from Republicans.http://anncorcoran2016.org/2016/01/18/george-soros-not-the-only-old-man-changing-america-and-the-world-by-changing-the-people/
It is extremely rare for us to go on the offense, and that is why Donald Trump has been so upsetting to America on the Left and on the Right.
Only Trump this year attempted to do what the Left does in its sleep, push the political debate back in the ‘America First’ direction with his talk of “The Wall” and curtailing Muslim migration to America.  More than the issues themselves, it is the pushback that has everyone so disturbed. ...