Saturday, March 5, 2016

Free Beacon: Biden’s One-Night Visit to Mexico City Cost $538,528 for Hotels Alone, ironically Economic Summit - We have all the disadvantages of royalty, without the perks--like a king who cares about his subjects.

/ AP

Where he apologized for Trump.

Vice President Joe Biden’s hotel tab for his recent one-night stay in Mexico City cost taxpayers more than $500,000.
Biden, who attended an annual economic summit with Mexican leaders, stayed at the luxury Intercontinental Presidente Hotel. Biden led a delegation attending the summit that included Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker, Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz, and Interior Secretary Sally Jewell.
The trip called for 260 hotel rooms and meeting spaces, according to a State Department contract. The total hotel tab was $538,528.65.
The government said the trip costs were justified due to security concerns and last-minute planning. ...