Saturday, March 5, 2016

Free Beacon: A Disappointing Ode to Stephen King - Fine horror writer but frozen in the amber of the virtue-signaling anti-White Sixties. --tma

     'The Stand'--Let's see: All the good heroic survivors gathered around an old angelic Black woman, while the evil ones gathered around a blond blue-eyed devil. Don't blame me, the Left is rarely subtle.

The relatively new proximity of geek culture to the mainstream puts the old guard of nerddom in a difficult position. Do they continue to cling to the false idea that their interests get no mainstream respect, or do they reorient themselves to the fact that sometime around the release of Episode I their revenge was utterly, utterly complete?
The Stephen King Companion by George Beahm is written as if most of the past 20 years of pop culture didn’t happen, that genre fiction (a major component of geek culture) is still barely kept alive by sweaty men in graphic tees trading comics in hotel ballrooms. As a result, what should be 600 pages of fun exploration of a great American writer is overshadowed by the sheer defensiveness that pervades the book. ...