Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Tim Murray - CEC - A Growing Trend: Leftist Editors Are Removing the Comment Section - "Their aim is to criminalize speech and legislate their creed."

"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."

     As someone recently said, the globalists don't want us to mention the problems that they themselves created. 

You might recall that last December the CBC announced that they were 
placing a moratorium on articles about First Nations issues because they attracted too many negative, disturbing and "racist" comments, and they have not yet developed the "moderating tools" to screen them out. 

This article shows that this is a Leftist trend. Leftist editors are turtleling. More and more are following the example of the Toronto Star. They can't take the heat so they are shutting down their forums. At this rate, no one should be surprised that at some point even the Guardian will junk its comment section. All it will take will be another million third world Muslim migrants pouring into the EU and a half dozen more jihadist attacks. That would provoke such a blacklash from common sense people that the comment section would be overwhelmed with readers made angry at the fact that even in the face of such outrages, the Guardian will continue to pump out articles that whitewash and ignore the obvious. 

It is not so much that Leftist opinion-makers distort reality, but that they choose it. Rotherham? Never heard of it. The rape epidemic in Sweden and Germany? More unfounded and alarmist Islamophobic lies. College administrations one after one bowing to pressure and intimidation and cancelling the speeches of visiting celebrities who offend the progressive narrative? It can't be true, I never saw it on CNN or heard it on NPR. And if the CBC didn't cover it, it never happened. 

Leftists and "progressives" want to live in an impregnable bubble. ...