Wednesday, June 15, 2016

American Resistance - Bottom line: Please donate to Nehlen, defeat open-borders Ryan! - Primary Aug 9th

One thing Orlando (and Trump’s response to it) has done is force our so-called leaders to, as we say in rural America, show themselves.
Although we already had ample evidence that Speaker Paul Ryan was doing everything in his power to undermine the Republican nominee for President of the United States, his rebuke of Trump yesterday sends a clear message about where the man stands.

He would prefer Hillary as President, or he he wouldn’t have said what he did.

We have all known for a long time that Ryan is for open borders and can only presume that is because he must suck up to the donor class (most of whom are millionaires and billionaires who need cheap immigrant labor). Why he is also pandering to Muslims in the wake of Orlando is a mystery.
Also, Ryan has not lifted a finger to rein-in the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program. Is he under the thumb of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops which takes in millions each year to resettle Muslim refugees to your towns?

Support Paul Nehlen in Wisconsin!

But, Ryan’s clear ignorance about Islamic supremacism and Islam’s goals for the world should be enough to make everyone reading this willing to, at minimum, open your wallets and send his primary competitor Paul Nehlen a contribution.
The Republican primary election date is August 9th (just 8 weeks away!).Maybe you have a little time to share with his campaign as well.
For more, visit Matthew Boyle’s good piece on Ryan’s response to Orlando, here.   And, watch Ryan yesterday in response to Trump’s excellent speech from New Hampshire where he reiterated his call for a ban on Muslim migration to America until we can figure out what is going on.
And, just a reminder, when you hear Ryan’s blather about “moderate” Muslims remember Act for America‘s Brigitte Gabriel‘s line (I’m paraphrasing):

Moderate (peaceful) Muslims are irrelevant!  

Why? Because for many reasons they remain silent (with occasional perfunctory verbiage as they did in the wake of the Orlando massacre) as their fellow Muslims commit atrocities in the name of Allah. All devout Muslims know that Mohammed’s prescription is for Islam to dominate the world.
Again, go here to ABC News and watch Ryan yesterday.
Why is he still so ignorant?

Surely you have an extra $25 or so to send to Nehlen.Go here and send Ryan a message!

Endnote: Newt Gingrich has called for Congress to investigate ‘Islamic Supremacism.’ What are the odds that Ryan would ever go along with such a sensible idea?