Tuesday, September 5, 2017

AmRen - Sinclair Jenkins - Kansas City Serial Killer Fits Pattern: (1) Blacks 9 times more likely to be serial killers; (2) Victims usually White.

Fredrick Demond Scott
Black killer, white victims.
On television and in the movies, serial killers are always white. America’s most famous serial killers—Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, Jeffrey Dahmer—have all been white.
However, according to an extraordinary database put together by Radford University and Florida Gulf Coast University, blacks are far more likely than whites to be serial killers. Since 1900, there has not been a single decade in which the percentage of serial killers who are black has not been greater than the percentage of blacks in the US population.
In the decades of the 1990s, 2000s, and 2010s (through 2015), blacks have accounted for an extraordinary 47, 54, and 60 percent, respectively, of serial killers. Whites have accounted for only 41, 32, and 31 percent. Blacks are 13 percent of the US population, and whites are 61 percent. This means that since 2000, blacks have been nine times more likely than whites to be serial killers.
Fredrick Demond Scott, 22, of Kansas City, Missouri, may be the latest entry in the largely overlooked problem of black serial killers. ...