Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Bloomberg: Robots Are Coming for Jobs of as Many as 800 Million Worldwide - Yet open-borders fanatics continually shout "Labor shortage!" --tma

Image result for lost in space robot

As many as 800 million workers worldwide may lose their jobs to robots and automation by 2030, equivalent to more than a fifth of today’s global labor force.
That’s according to a new report covering 46 nations and more than 800 occupations by the research arm of McKinsey & Co.
The consulting company said Wednesday that both developed and emerging countries will be impacted. Machine operators, fast-food workers and back-office employees are among those who will be most affected if automation spreads quickly through the workplace. ...
     More proof that open borders is not about labor needs due to 'the shortage of White babies,' but about the demographic elimination of White babies.