Sunday, April 8, 2018

RRW - Japan Times: Family reunification (chain migration) is bugaboo for new German govt - The US needs a Migration Moratorium, except for White South Africans, now getting tortured to death for hours by savages with power tools --tma


Posted by Ann Corcoran on April 8, 2018
Invasion of Europe news….
German special forces cropped
Members of German Special Forces in Muenster yesterday. Still no official report on the deadly attack.
I bet Japan Times is eager to show the citizens of Japan what a mess one’s country becomes when the migrant tide is invited in!
From Japan Times:
BERLIN – A scuffle over immigration has marred the first weeks in office of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s fourth coalition, promising anything but smooth sailing in the years ahead for the loveless left-right alliance.
Conservatives among Merkel’s Christian Democrats are keen to restrict as heavily as possible so-called family reunifications that would allow some of the million-plus migrants and refugees who have arrived since 2015 to bring in relatives.
That has stirred the ire of Social Democrats (SPD), the reluctant junior partners who helped Merkel into office to end the longest period of post-election limbo in post-World War II German history.
A thousand a month!
Chancellor Merkel and Interior Minister Seehofer

Japan Times continues…..
In their painstakingly negotiated coalition deal, the parties agreed that up to 1,000 people per month could enter Germany under family reunification, with only immediate relatives eligible.
New Interior Minister Horst Seehofer is eager to tighten the screws further, with a draft law that would prevent people dependent on social benefits from bringing in family members and further restrict which relations are eligible, including ruling out siblings.  ...