Sunday, January 6, 2019

Voice of Europe: “Criminal foreigners who undermine our values ​​have no place in our society”, says Danish PM and throws Islamist out - Maybe they can waltz across our Mex border and 'turn themselves in' to our insane government --tma

After being declared unwanted in Denmark 58-year-old Moroccan Said Mansour was sent back to Morocco on Friday, Samhällsnytt reports.
Mansour is twice sentenced for incitement to terrorism, and in 2016 he was deprived of his Danish citizenship and sentenced to expulsion.
He was also sentenced for paying tribute to al-Qaeda and 2014, he received four years in prison.
“I am very pleased that through the expulsion of Said Mansour we send a clear signal to the outside world.”, says Danish Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen. ...