Monday, February 4, 2019

CEC: We Require An Emblem Calling For A Dialogue On The Ethnocide Of EuroCanadians - Canada has "ended up with a culture which views mute pathological tolerance as a marker of moral superiority" - Yours truly comments below ---tma


My roots in this country run deep. Four hundred years deep. My ancestors founded settlements which are national historic sites. My great grandfather built the roads where I grew up, and where roads have never been seen, his fathers once ventured, through the bush and across the lakes. It’s no surprise that my affinities are for the Boreal north, and the folk living there, rather than the cosmopolitan malaise of Terroronto or Shangcouver. By the time I was born the demographic transition of our urban cores was well underway. I can only imagine what changes those of you in older generations must have witnessed as Canada turned from a European country into whatever this diverse, flaccid, liberal utopia is supposed to be. 

There are many Canadians with roots as deep, but how many care to remember them? Today’s lack of historical awareness, like the ethnic confusion on our streets and in our polity, is a lesson in past political failures and the wayward trajectory of our national consciousness. 

What words could stir white Canadians toward self-preservation in the face of displacement and erasure? ...

     Bravo! Well done. As far as the emblem itself, the black mourning ribbon is aesthetically pleasing and well reasoned. My only hesitations would be that it is perhaps too polite. Seriously, assuming this is not totally tongue-in-cheek, I would like to see something more visible. The red patch can be seen from across the street. The black ribbon, unless plastered on a white shirt, probably would not be noticed across a grocery store aisle. I believe there should also be, amid the mourning, some element, even if outwardly subtle, that would defiantly celebrate our common European heritage, and, by implication, our determination to restore and reinvigorate it. Yes, we don’t want to scare people. Yet time is short.