Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Daily Mail: Ann Coulter challenges Trump to give 'precise latitude and longitude' of wall - Admin should have clearly separated new Wall v regular patchwork that is always taking place and set up cameras to show daily progress. Why the nebulous mystery? --tma

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Conservative columnist Ann Coulter issued a put-up-or-shut-up demand Tuesday to President Donald Trump, challenging him to identify exactly where his administration has erected new border barriers between the U.S. and Mexico. 
Trump claimed Saturday on Twitter that the '[m]ajor sections of Wall are being built.' He tweeted a day earlier that his long-promised border wall 'is being built and is well under construction.'
Coulter told in an email that she wants details.
'The President’s tweet says he’s already building the Wall. Could he give me the precise latitude and longitude of its location?' she asked. 'Also, how many miles long is it?'
'I want to throw a party there and need the exact coordinates,' she wrote. ...