Wednesday, January 8, 2020

VDARE - Amazingly a merit-based American beauty pageant: Miss Rodeo America - no desperate effort at affirmative-action winners --tma

From: A West Texas Reader [Email him]
The Steve Sailer article on effective set-asides in beauty pageant top prizes was both sad and bemusing. Bemusing because it is predictable like a stock vaudeville joke, and sad for the contestants who might have won if the unspoken, informal set-aside regime did not exist to render beauty pageants just another quota filling system.
However, let VDARE readers be not troubled. There does still exist a merit-based pageant. 
Miss Rodeo America judges its contestants on "... horsemanship competition, a written test on equine science and rodeo knowledge, extensive interviews, extemporaneous speaking, and a fashion show. ...