Sunday, April 28, 2013

Attorney General Eric Holder Says Amnesty "Matter of Civil and Human Rights'

AG Holder to MALDEF: Amnesty Is a Civil Right

Attorney General Eric Holder recently voiced a belief that many liberals hold — that entering this country illegally is a human right — but mostly refrain from saying. These days, the extreme anti-borders ideology of the anarchist left is becoming mainstream, at least under the Obama administration.
Incidentally, elites of the Catholic church disapprove of borders also: “Any family in economic need has a right to immigrate, that’s our posture,” declared priest Michael Seifert regarding a Texas protest.
Still, the idea of national sovereignty has many defenders among the little citizens who continue to revere the Constitution despite the globalist future pushed by elites in government and in the press.
Nevertheless, the top law enforcement officer in the nation spoke openly in support of the anti-borders, anti-law agenda ...
     But if amnesty to invaders is a matter of "civil and human rights," wouldn't it logically follow that the invasion itself was a matter of civil and human rights? Of course only when invading a white majority nation. 

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