Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Why Multiculturalism Will Self-Destruct (once white numbers fall below some threshold)


April 16, 2013 

In undertaking their grand scheme to deconstruct “whiteness” and usher in a multicultural paradise, the greatest oversight the liberal establishment makes is the refusal to foresee the rejection of minority races to uphold egalitarianism once whites become a minority.

This oversight, in turn, reveals a truly astonishing  state of collective cognitive dissonance. How can liberals not be aware of this glaringly conspicuous error in the contemplation of demographic projections? Furthermore, how can purportedly educated adults be unable to make the next logical extension of thought in considering what unbelievably tragic results will come from this demographic shift?

That which binds together the brittle house of cards that is egalitarianism is an artificial structure of laws, a massive cultural reprogramming, tireless public service announcements, lip service by the cultural elite, and relentless social ostracizing of dissidents, among other things. The fact remains that the progressive movement must have all of the methods of social conditioning running simultaneously with threats of violence and lawsuit to hold back the deluge of inherited tribal instincts that lie dormant and waiting. What allows this structure to remain is the effectiveness of white rule of law, and our willingness to support these measures.

As these structures corrode or their enforcement can no longer be guaranteed, the entire system will face an enormous collapse. The chaos that will ensue will force Americans not only to recognize the reality of biodiversity, but also to empirically understand the “diversity is strength” multicultural deception. ...

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