Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Eve In The National Policy Institute Garden - Why are there so few women in the alternative right or among radical traditionalists? One woman speaks out

Google Images / 'Early Pioneer Woman' - Fred Fellows


Well, a few weeks have passed, and now that all the recaps have come and gone, I thought it might be time for the strangest one of all: what was it like to be a WOMAN at NPI’s “After the Fall” conference? 

Well, if the Reagan Building in Washington, D.C. was our Garden, on that very post-lapsarian weekend, we ladies were not exiled from it. There were about six of us present, including Lauren M. Fox, a foxy reporterette from Salon.com (read her tale of puppy love with Richard Spencer here). But be warned, gentle readers, this is not a tale of feminist woe.
The truth is, it was fantastic. It could be argued that it says more about me than about the “movement” as a whole, but I enjoyed myself more than I can say, and never really felt marginalized (despite being told by another attendee just before Jack Donovan’s speech that I possessed the “wrong genitals” to be in the room at the time). 

The only person who really tried to make an issue of my sex was Miss Fox, who was desperately trying to get one of the women at the conference to speak to her. She published none of my quotes, probably because they were too carefully chosen and carried too many hints of truth. The interview went something like this…