Monday, December 16, 2013

We Petition The Obama Administration To: Formally address the issue of black-on-white interracial violent crime during the upcoming State of the Union Address

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Formally address the issue of black-on-white interracial violent crime during the upcoming State of the Union Address

Whereas, according to FBI statistics, more than two million white Americans are victimized by black perpetrators annually;
Whereas the majority of the victims of interracial violent crimes are white;
Whereas federal policies are a major factor in the current rates of black-on-white violence;
Whereas President Barack Obama is the head of the federal government, and;
Whereas he has addressed the issue of interracial violence when he perceived that a black person (Trayvon Martin) was the victim of said violence;
Therefore be it resolved that President Barack Obama shall make the termination of black-on-white interracial violent crime a national priority and shall formally address the issue during his upcoming 2014 State of the Union Address to be delivered to a joint session of Congress.
Created: Dec 09, 2013