Saturday, July 19, 2014

VDARE - Ann Coulter: Happy 30th Birthday, Central American Humanitarian Crisis "We are not dealing with a delicate point of logic here, some tiny flaw in liberals’ reasoning, where they neglect to consider this or that aspect of a situation. This is something I don’t recall encountering before. It’s anti-logic."

Ann Coulter: Happy 30th Birthday, Central American Humanitarian Crisis

Never Trust a Liberal Over Three-Especially a Republican
It’s been fun to watch the media discuss the border crisis in real time, improvising their arguments on the fly. Let’s try A, and if that doesn’t work, we’ll try B.
First, they said there was no surge at the border—it was a phony crisismanufactured by the Drudge Report. The facts on the ground quickly made that argument inoperable.
Next, liberals told us these “undocumented migrants” (the PC phrase for “illegal aliens“—because we’ll never figure out what that means) were mere children fleeing violence and drug cartels.
Then we found out that more than 80 percent of the “children” were teenage males, some being recruited for the homicidal Central American gang MS-13, right there in the detention facilities. . . .