Thursday, July 17, 2014

Washigton Times - CURL: Obama administration cries racism to cover for unpopular policies (Even when the Mainstream Media's main point is accurate, they can't help losing bladder control trying to show they are not ‘racist’: (1) Why is it that only White people would be showing 'racism' to possess the slightest ethnic solidarity . . .)

CURL: Obama administration cries racism to cover for unpopular policies

Attorney General Eric Holder announces at the Justice Department in Washington Monday, July 14, 2014, that Citigroup will pay $7 billion to settle an investigation into risky subprime mortgages, the type that helped fuel the financial crisis. The agreement comes weeks after talks between the sides broke down, prompting the government to warn that it would sue the New York investment bank. The bank had offered to pay less then $4 billion, a sum substantially less that what the Justice Department was asking for. The settlement stems from the sale of securities made up of subprime mortgages, which fueled both the housing boon and bust that triggered the Great Recession at the end of 2007. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

Have you heard the one about the black attorney general who sits down with a black reporter from ABC News to talk about America’s first black president? “Sure is a lot of racism,” says the AG. Rim shot.

eah, not a very funny joke. But that’s the point — it’s not a joke. It actually happened last week.
Eric H. Holder Jr., the first black man ever to hold the post of attorney general, sat down with senior Justice Department reporter Pierre Thomas for an interview.

“There’s a certain level of vehemence, it seems to me, that’s directed at me [and] directed at the president,” he said. “You know, people talking about taking their country back. I can’t look into peoples’ hearts, look into peoples’ minds, but it seems to me that this president has been treated differently than others There’s a certain racial component to this for some people.”

What is funnier than the opening joke is the fact that Mr. Holder really believes this. To him, it’s impossible for Americans to oppose President Obama, to object to his policies and his actions simply on the basis of politics. No, those opponents who want to talk about “taking their country back” simply must be racist. . . .

     Even when the Mainstream Media's main point is accurate, they can't help losing bladder control trying to show they are not ‘racist’: (1) Why is it that only White people would be showing 'racism' to possess the slightest ethnic solidarity, particularly during this anti-White administration; (2) Why no mention of horribly disproportionate black-on-White violent crime? (3) Why no mention of severely discriminatory 'affirmative' action'? (4) Why no mention that Third World open borders policies are in themselves aimed at Whites? (5) Why no mention that the legal and illegal migrant policies in place since 1965 will dispossess and eventually erase European Americans? (6) Best of all, the biggest danger to a happy vibrant Rainbow Nation is probably an Aryan Nation colossus rising up out of the West? Really? Well, if it stops the demographic genocide of Whites, if only.