Monday, March 30, 2015

American Thinker - Thomas Lifson: Calling BS on Harry Reid's story about his injuries - I, for one, have always loved the term 'mobbed-up.' --tma

Calling BS on Harry Reid's story about his injuries

It is an emperor has no clothes moment.  The partisan mainstream media has failed to show the slightest curiosity about an improbable story peddled by one of the central figures of the last six years of politics.  John Hinderaker of Powerline has been asking the questions about Harry Reid’s injuries and retirement from the Senate that a reasonably curious media should have been asking but hasn't because Reid is a Democrat.

I noted the injuries that Reid suffered on New Year’s Day, in Las Vegas: multiple broken bones around his right eye, damage to the right eye, severe facial bruising, broken ribs, and a concussion. Was all of this really the result of losing his balance because an elastic exercise band broke? That seems unlikely, to say the least.

Anyone who saw Reid would say that he looked like he had been beaten up by a guy with a hard left, maybe using brass knuckles

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