Tuesday, June 16, 2015

AmRen - Jared Taylor: ¡Adios, America!: Coulter’s Call for Immigration Sanity - "Organizations with names like Catholic Charities take unemployable primitives who marvel at light switches, and dump them onto American communities. Miss Coulter points out there is no “charity” involved, since the taxpayer–not the Catholic Church–picks up the tab to move them in. Then the locals have to feed, clothe, house, medicate, and try to educate them."

¡Adios, America!: Coulter’s Call for Immigration Sanity

A monument to common sense makes the best-seller list.
Ann Coulter, ¡Adios, America!: The Left’s Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole, Regnery Publishing, 2015, 400 pp., $27.99.
With her latest book, ¡Adios, America!, writer and commentator Ann Coulter has established herself as the foremost advocate for immigration sanity in America–if not the world. It’s startling to find so much common sense in a book from a mainstream publisher, and Americans are starved for common sense: ¡Adios, America! is at the top of three Amazon categories, and number two on the New York Times best-seller list.

Miss Coulter is blunt: Immigration is destroying America, and if it isn’t stopped we face oblivion. We are importing millions of Third-World losers who go on welfare, rape and kill Americans, and refuse to learn our ways. Whites will soon be a minority, and white babies are already a minority. This is suicide, but Democrats like immigrants because they vote Democratic, Republicans like cheap labor, and even upper-middle-class people can now afford servants: “Every single elite group in America” writes Miss Coulter, “is aligned against the public.”
Including, of course, the media:
Only in the case of immigration is the public systematically lied to from every major news outlet. The media lie about everything, but immigration constitutes their finest hour of collective lying.
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