Sunday, September 27, 2015

AmRen - Jane Weir: A Field Guide to SJWs - Reviews 'SJWs Always Lie: Taking down the Thought Police' by Vox Day/Theodore Beale - "group of fanatics as self-righteous as Savonarola, as ruthless as Stalin, as ambitious as Napoleon, and as crazy as Caligula."


“SJW” stands for “social justice warrior,” which is approximately synonymous with: militant, politically correct ideologue. Or perhaps stridently leftist cultural Marxist. Or, as some of the whimsically inclined might say: noisome progtard. 
The expression sprang from the blogosphere in recent years, as a way of describing “progressive” activists and keyboard crusaders. SJWs thrive on the internet, often in obscure and fetid corners–Reddit, 4chan, blogs–where disturbed youngsters share their taste for Japanese anime, sexual perversity, and science fiction/fantasy. SJWs also swarm in social media. They specialize in mass Twitter attacks and in filling the comments sections of Salon and Huffington Post and the Guardian with lurid, foul-mouthed smackdowns (“Teabagger! GFY!”) of anyone who expresses an opinion that is not left-of-left-of-center. At least they did until recently. HuffPo and other sites have ramped up their comment-screening because online advertisers don’t like filth.
For an excellent dissection of the whole SJW phenomenon, there’s now a handy field guide called SJWs Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police. The pseudonymous author, Vox Day (real name: Theodore Beale) is a game designer and science-fiction writer who’s had some head-on collisions with this crowd, while acquiring a thorny reputation as the sci-fi author the leftists most love to hate. (See, for example, Jeet Heer’s treatment of him in The New Republic.) In this volume, Beale/Day not only tells us how to identify SJWs, he gives us an extensive self-defense guide explaining how to survive when SJWs attack. ...