Monday, September 14, 2015

VDare - James Kirkpatrick: #NRORevolt Proves National Conservatism The Only Way Forward - "The bottom line: William F. Buckley-style conservatism has failed, on three separate levels. It failed, by its own criteria, (1) “limiting government. ..."

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More than two decades after the Establishment suppressed Pat Buchanan and his “peasants with pitchforks,” the grassroots are again in revolt against the noodle-armed effetes of the Beltway Right. But this time, the uprising is directed not just against the political candidates of the Beltway Right, but against its intellectual mouthpieces: Conservatism Inc. is being rocked by what Twitter activists have tagged the #NRORevolt. And as I’ve been predicting for years, it’s a battle that American patriots need to fight and win–not just to save the American Right, but to ensure there’s still a country left to defend.
The battle started when Jonah Goldberg assumed his traditional function of insulting the conservative base. Reacting to Donald Trump’s position as the GOP Presidential frontrunner, Goldberg kvetched: “If this is the conservative movement now, I guess you’re going to have to count me out.” He wrote ...