Thursday, October 29, 2015

Ann Coulter - VDare: The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth, But They Shouldn’t Be President - "Sometimes the country needs a man."

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It took a billionaire living the glamorous New York City life to exhibit real Christian courage by going against every elite group in the nation, every media outlet, every well-heeled donor, to defend America from destruction by immigration.
Baptist leader Russell Moore [Email him]  desperate for liberal approval, claims that Christian conservatives “must repudiate everything they believe” in order to support Donald Trump, who “incites division, with slurs against Hispanic immigrants and with protectionist jargon that preys on turning economic insecurity into ugly ‘us versus them’ identity politics.” (Please like me, New York Times!)
Moore is especially offended by Trump’s “boisterous confidence” and “waving arms”—as he put it in the Times, journal of respectable liberal opinion. (Do Baptist preachers ever wave their arms? Somebody Google that.)
How would Gen. Douglas MacArthur fare with today’s evangelical leaders? Ronald Reagan was a visibly devout Christian, but Richard Nixon wasn’t. Joe McCarthy wasn’t. MacArthur wasn‘t.
The idea that Christians are supposed to be milquetoasts is liberal propaganda. Ask the money-changers how meek Jesus was. (Not the Clintons; I mean the other money-changers.) God commanded the Israelites to go to certain cities and kill “every living thing.” As I recall, the Crusaders were a little rough around the edges.
When Trump attacks, he targets the rich and powerful. When the elites attack, they target the average American and everything he cares about.
When Trump boasts—about his wealth, his family, his intelligence—it’s funny, not mean-spirited. No one feels inferior. In fact, legions of political commentators who’ve never accomplished anything in their entire lives feel immensely superior to Trump. ...