Sunday, October 25, 2015

Francis Carr Begbie - TOO: UK clampdown on free speech accelerates - As in UK, due to Muslim violence, get ready for 'security' clampdown on White Gentiles --tma

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The long anticipated British government Counter-Extremism Strategy document has been unveiled — and it looks to aimed at unprecedented restrictions on freedom of speech, movement and association.  New Orwellian-sounding government organisations are being launched to target speech and behaviour online and off.  There will be the Extremism Analysis Unit which will exchange data on “extremists” with other governments. The Disclosure and Barring Service will be set up to help employers bar “extremists” and this will include not only convictions but civil orders.  The new Extremism Community Trigger will oblige police to take action possibly issuing orders restricting movement. The new National Citizen Service will allow diligent, publicly-minded teenagers to train up in British values — and sniff out extremism.
The Counter Extremism strategy document was nominally inspired by the upsurge of Muslim militancy from the “Trojan Horse” Islamic takeover of state schools to the fear of returning Jihadists, but somewhere along the line it seems to have been decided that it is the threat of White violence that also needs to be talked up.
It hardly needs to be said that there is no equivalence at all.  No Whites have ever carried out suicide bomb attacks on underground railway stations or airports nor have they hacked servicemen to death on the streets, nor do their menfolk engage in ethnically-motivated mass rapes against vulnerable female children. ...