Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Daily Caller - Pat Buchanan: Even If Trump Wins, The West Is Doomed - Although electing Trump woud be one hell of a good first step. --tma

These three stances that Trump hits on to Buchanan’s contentment are border security, economic nationalism, and being “skeptical of these endless wars and interventions.”
“I think many folks who agree with me have welcomed Trump into the race,” Buchanan said. He added while laughing, “the very fact that the neocons seem so disconsolate is the icing on the cake.”
Buchanan is not only opposed to immigration and trade, he is also a staunch social conservative. Trump has had several divorces and has previously held pro-choice views, making it tough for some to support him. Buchanan though said, “I think Trump respects the position of the social conservatives.”
“I do think he would appoint the type of justices that would unite the Republican Party” ...