Saturday, May 21, 2016

James P. Pinkerton - Breitbart - Trump’s Mission: Make America Great Again; Peace with Honor—Through Deal-Making - "beginning in 2017, a President Trump might have the opportunity to meet with, once again, to China and Russia, this time to cut off the supply, aid, and comfort to the terrorist state of Iran, as well as to all the major terrorists of the world. That’s peace, and peace with honor. That’s greatness."

Donald Trump


In the first part of this series, we observed that greatness is tangible; you know it when you see it. In the second part, we saw that military greatness was really intangible, insofar as we whipped the other guy—even Hitler’s mighty Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe. In the third part, we saw that greatness also meant doing big things on the home front, such as making the desert bloom, thereby providing jobs, wealth, and hope.
Now, in this fourth part, let’s talk about another kind of greatness, peace with honor. As we shall see, peace with honor often comes from crafty diplomacy. Or, as Donald Trump might put it, peace through deal-making.
  1. How Deal-Making Brought Peace with Honor ...