So there he is, the great blond beast, on his victory lap, exulting like Conan the Barbarian/ Genghis Khan in crushing his enemies, driving them before him and (literally in this case) hearing the lamentations of their women…from a lectern emblazoned with “MERRY CHRISTMAS” in verboten red and green.
From Ben Mathis-Lilley’s unintentionally hilarious point-and-splutter account in Slate:
Above: Donald Trump in Wisconsin on Tuesday for one of the series of rallies that he’s apparently calling the “Merry Christmas USA Thank You Tour 2016.” He’s standing in front of six Christmas trees.So now the phrase Merry Christmas, thanks to the long-running far-right “War on Christmas” conspiracy theory—which was invented by the white-nationalist John Birch Society in 1959—has been officially weaponized into the partisan slogan of a president elected on a wave of hateful rhetoric about, among others, refugees.Truly, it’s what a Middle Eastern Jew who was born in a barn because no one else would take his parents in would have wanted.Donald Trump Is Trying to Take Ownership of the Phrase Merry Christmas, December 14 2016.
(Needless to say, this is rank journalistic incompetence. The John Birch Society was/is not “white nationalist” or particularly racially conscious at all—to quote from its entry in the notorious right-wing source Wikipedia:
Antisemitic, racist, anti-Mormon, anti-Masonic groups criticized the organization’s acceptance of Jews, non-whites, Masons, and Mormons as members…[Founder Robert W,] Welch rejected these accusations by his detractors: ‘All we are interested in here is opposing the advance of the Communists, and eventually destroying the whole Communist conspiracy, so that Jews and Christians alike, and Mohammedans and Buddhists, can again have a decent world in which to live.’
But to MSM enforcers like Mathis-Lilley [Tweet him] “white nationalist” is simply the all-purpose cuss word du jour. ...