Tuesday, December 13, 2016

TOO: The Murder of Maria Ladenburger: A Fatal Lack of Vitamin “R” - Maria had been steeped in the Cosmopolitanism of her EU flunky parents, and had fully taken that ideology and identity to heart.

I don’t know the exact nature of the death of Maria Ladenberger, the daughter of an EU official who was recently raped and drowned by an Afghan migrant, who had been let into Germany by Angela Merkel, but I suspect that the real cause of death wasn’t an excess of water in the lungs but rather a deficiency of Vitamin-“R”.
Vitamin R, in case you haven’t guessed it, is Vitamin “Racism,” yes, that word again, a word that is applied to everything from Nazi death camps to so-called “microaggressions,” and since we don’t have actual Nazi death camps anymore, or even KKK lynch mobs, it generally refers to people feeling slightly uncomfortable or suspicious of people of other races and cultures whose ways they don’t particularly understand or like.
This may seem somewhat trivial for most of us most of the time, but for a young woman cycling along a deserted path late at night, it has rather a lot of utility. She was apparently returning home from a party after 2:37 am.
Like William Blake’s famous Tiger, this crime is almost awe-inspiring in its fearful symmetry, although it is a symmetry of a bleak and unforgiving Manichean kind  —the evil, ingratitude, and brutality of the Afghan is almost perfectly matched by the innocence, generosity, and vulnerability of the “privileged” German girl. ...