Sunday, March 25, 2018

RRW - Iraqis, Afghans, Syrians, Somalis ... now get ready for the Venezuelan invasion--you xenophobes! - Legal refugees are those facing persecution--NOT MSM 'fleeing poverty and violence' - Image: Future USA?

Venezuelans are not refugees, but you will be told they are!

Posted by Ann Corcoran on March 25, 2018
I don’t know how many times I have to say it, but people on the move because they need work and food (or their climate is changing some), or fear crime in their own countries are not legitimate refugees requiring resettlement.

Venezualans into Brazil
Venezuelans pour into Brazil.  Photo:

By the internationally understood definition, a legitimate refugee must be able to show a credible fear of persecution—that they will be persecuted in their home country due to their race, religion, political persuasion and so forth.
The No Borders Left has for decades been trying to blur the definition suggesting that everyone moving for any reason is a refugee when the vast majority around the world are economic migrants.
Because the socialist government, in the once-rich Venezuela, has so ruined the country that people are starving is not a reason for refugee resettlement protection, nevertheless, watch for demands for resettlement as the crisis deepens.
Here Bloomberg headlines a story earlier this month with this choice of words:
Venezuelans, Go Home: Xenophobia Haunts Refugees

"humans are tribal"

     Well said, Ann. And people are tribal for a lot of good reasons. One is that resources have never been infinitely available. Tribes in prehistory no doubt fought over who could camp next to the best watering hole. With continued open borders the US will someday house billions of people, mostly from third world cultures. 

     Decades ago when Americans were facing increasing hours of smoggy work commutes, dropping opportunities for their kids, etc, it was perfectly natural for our population numbers to level off or drop for awhile. We had a right to determine are own population levels and whether we wanted to turn the rest of our beautiful countryside into freeways and strip malls. 

     We were no longer an open frontier and were making an intelligent mostly subliminal adjustment to that. You don't look at your tropical fish tank that is finally reaching some sort of equilibrium and shout, "Damn, they're not multiplying like rabbits!"--then dump in a bucket of hungry alien anchovies.