Saturday, March 10, 2018

VDare - Kirkpatrick - Dems go increasingly hard Left, shut down social media, while GOP pushes DACA amnesty, tax cuts, is like a dazed cow in a slaughterhouse - Image: Today's GOP version of 'Don't Tread On Me!"

The administration of President Donald Trump and the Republican majority he relies upon to avoid impeachment is in critical danger. The Democrats have become more extreme and forthrightly anti-American, particularly in California, leading to a feeling of complacency among Republicans and Conservatism Inc. mouthpieces who simply assume Americans will react against it. [California Dems’ hard-left turn could be the whole party’s future, New York Post, March 2, 2018]. 

Yet the Democrats could be poised to take back Congress. And perhaps even more importantly, the Main Stream Media and Silicon Valley are engaging in a sweeping crackdown on free speech designed to eliminate pro-Trump alternative media sources. The passivity of the GOP in response to this escalating Totalitarian Leftist  offensive raises the horrifying possibility the 2016 election will be squandered—leaving with patriots with  nothing to show for all their sacrifices. ...