Wednesday, October 16, 2019

AmRen: Race, Welfare, and Media Lies - Even Hannity repeats 'Most people on welfare are white!' - Yet even forgetting per capita, whites are minority users

Image result for welfare queen with shopping cart

When you talk to leftists about race, it doesn’t take long for them to bring up some variation of “most people on welfare are white.” As we’ll see, this is simply not true. And you don’t even have to delve into the grade-school concept of per capita welfare rates to explain this. In absolute terms, whites are a minority of users. But this doesn’t stop lefties from making claims like this

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Whites are clearly an absolute minority of recipients: just 27.2 percent of the total. There are more blacks and Hispanics on welfare than whites. On a per capita basis, blacks are 4.8 times more likely than whites to get TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), and Hispanics are 4.7 times more likely. Asians are only two-thirds as likely. ...