Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Tons of aid in Philippines, but not where needed (In US 'urban areas,' Haiti and Africa, and European Muslim slums, this would be a perfect excuse to loot and riot. People would be breaking store windows and merrily carrying away expensive athletic shoes and flat-screen TVs, after which self-appointed ethnic leaders and liberals would be saying it was all because 'people are hungry.')

Tons of aid in Philippines, but not where needed

Tons of aid in Philippines, but not where needed

TACLOBAN, Philippines (AP) -- The day after Typhoon Haiyan struck the eastern Philippine coast, a team of 15 doctors and logistics experts was ready to fly to the worst-hit city to help. On Tuesday, five days into what could be the country's deadliest disaster, they were still waiting to leave.
Aid is coming to Tacloban: medical supplies, pallets of water and food piled on trucks, planes and ferries, sent by the Philippine government and countries around the world. But the scale of the disaster and challenges of delivering the assistance means few in this city, strewn with debris and corpses, have received any help. . ..