Sunday, February 16, 2014

Baton Rouge, Gardendale, Memphis, Dallas: The New Way Towns Are Segregating Schools (No doubt only the beginning, as extreme utopian egalitarianism comes crashing down and Whites are increasingly fed up with being bled dry, both in money and in blood)

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The New Way Towns Are Segregating Schools

Part of Baton Rouge, La., wants to segregate the city’s schools, and residents are working on a completely legal method to do so.
People who live in middle-class and wealthy neighborhoods in East Baton Rouge Parish are looking to create their own city and public-school district to separate themselves from the poorer neighborhoods in the parish—and schools within them. Split supporters say the existing district performs so poorly that state monitors have been brought in, while opponents say it’s only going to cause bigger problems.
“It’s going to devastate us,” 45-year-old Tania Nyman, who has two elementary-age children in the Baton Rouge system, told Bloomberg,com. “They’re not only going to take the richer white kids out of the district, they are going to take their money out of it.” . . .