Thursday, February 13, 2014

John Derbyshire on Jerry Seinfeld: Baby Steps Toward Race Realism - ("cockeyed optimism" - How about very determined naivete? . . .)

Baby Steps Toward Race Realism

Baby Steps Toward Race Realism
Call me a cockeyed optimist, but I took heart from the micro-fuss over Jerry Seinfeld’s push-back against PC bullying the other day. In case you missed it, Seinfeld was being interviewed on TV about his recent comedy series. “I have noticed that most of the guests [i.e., on Seinfeld’s series] are mostly white males,” murmured the hipster interviewer, deftly unsheathing his stiletto.
Seinfeld kicked it out of his hand. Pointing out at the studio audience, he scoffed: “Take a look over here, Peter. Whaddya see? A lotta Whitey!” The hipster guy didn’t know whether to sneeze or wind his watch. . . .

“Again with the cockeyed optimism”

     With all respect, how about very determined naivete? Stand-up comics have been proudly displaying their scattered un-PC remarks for many years, to fairly sympathetic press ('edgy'), but just about every one of them is either Jewish, female, black, Hispanic or some other minority (exceptions are types of bad-boy comics that make unPC jokes about women, while avoiding race like the plague). But if these are the only people who can occasionally go un-PC, is it an encouraging sign, or does it show that PC is just as firmly on the throne as ever? And that this unPC window dressing merely serves to blur things for those who are not watching closely enough, or don't want to?

     To think that whites can 'recruit' Jews to race realism is like expecting whites to recruit blacks. Most Jews are excellent race realists--in pulling for their own people. It is not a matter of waiting for them to become absentminded about Hitler. This is a clash of civilizations that has been going on for a couple of thousand years. 

     Who were the one group of people who were by far the most instrumental in throwing open America's borders to the Third World? (Same in Australia, UK, etc.) Three guesses. Now we are expecting the same people to be converted to race realism in our favor as we are being inundated by their very own handiwork? Oh gosh, yes, nice intelligent articulate talented Jewish people--pretty-please help save us! 

The Jewish community may not necessarily be trying to destroy the West, rubbing their hands together and cackling in glee as the West finally crashes and burns. It might just want to keep knocking us down one peg after another until we are absolutely no potential threat to them whatsoever in any all possible future scenarios. That is a clash of civilizations. Of course if you keep knocking a civilization down an endless number of pegs, it eventually will be destroyed. Look through the trail of dead civilizations in any volume of world history. 

     In fact when you read the above column you can see why they have been so successful so far in bringing down the West. Most individualistic Westerners, inculcated with and marinated in the religion of Fairness, have an absolute fear-and-loathing blind-spot in this direction. But to see even such otherwise intelligent and brave people being so comically Dr. Panglossian on this issue central to the West's survival, ignoring centuries of history and lots and lots of scholarship, is pretty darn depressing. 

     Makes we want to forget it all and watch an old 'Seinfeld.' Loved the one where Jerry makes a casual remark at a dinner party that is such a serious faux pas that he possibly kills the guest of honor. (I can identify.)  

     Recommended reading: 'The Culture of Critique' by Kevin MacDonald.