Friday, November 28, 2014

American Thinker: Drug-addicted, philandering, graft-seeking ex-con, ex-D.C. mayor Marion Barry to 'lie in state' before procession and funeral [If things like this don't awaken Europeans all across the Western world what their lives will be like under non-White majority rule, nothing will. And so far it looks like nothing will.]

Drug-addicted, philandering, graft-seeking ex-con, ex-D.C. mayor to 'lie in state' before procession and funeral

In life, former Washington, D.C. mayor Marion Barry was as disreputable a figure as any who ever held public office.

In death, he is being treated as a civic saint, with a three-day marathon of paeans and plaudits – including the body of the former mayor being put on display at the convention center. ...