A Reader Forwards A SacBee Article About Asian Massage Parlors Which Does Not Contain The Word “Asian”
The young women pictured above may be qualified, trained, and licensed massage therapists. But they don’t look like qualified, trained, and licensed massage therapists.
I visited Thailand some years ago where massage and prostitution are every where. I was immediately suspicious when I saw this article:Sacramento County targets illicit massage parlors with prostitution ties, By Brad Branan, (Email him) SacBee.com, November 22, 2014.
Yep, prostitution and human trafficking. I had to read way along in the article (paragraph 13) to finally get to the core of the problem.
Last year, Opening Doors Inc., a Sacramento nonprofit that helps victims of human trafficking, completed a report on sex in the county’s massage parlors. The organization searched adult-oriented websites and interviewed employees of massage parlors and agencies that work with trafficking victims. The report concluded that “sex trafficking may be taking place behind the doors of local massage parlors.”The report distinguished sex trafficking from prostitution, with the former involving the transport of women across borders for the sex trade.
No doubt the women are from Mexico, or maybe Thailand or Laos.
James Fulford writes: What we have here is a lengthy, carefully reported story about the problem of Asian Massage Parlors which resolutely refuses to use the word “Asian.” Contrast that with the report they refer to [Sacramento Against Sex Slavery Report, Opening Doors June 27, 2013 (PDF)] which is much clearer about the Asian factor ...