Monday, November 17, 2014

Refugee Resettlement Watch - Ann Corcoran: Two more immigrants sentenced in Maryland food stamp fraud cases; wanted an immigrant scams reporter! - "They ripped us off to the tune of $1.1 million and got only 4 years in prison"

Two more immigrants sentenced in Maryland food stamp fraud cases; wanted an immigrant scams reporter!

For new readers, a side hobby of mine here at RRW has been to report on immigrant-run convenience stores ripping us off with food stamp fraud.  I’m not talking about the petty stuff, it is the multi-million dollar trafficking fraud I’m talking about.
(For the most part this doesn’t involve refugees except that they use a lot of food stamp dollars and they are probably among those selling their benefits.)
I’m going to tell you about this latest sentencing right here in Maryland of Abdulmalik Abdulla and Ahmed Mohssen, in a minute.  They ripped us off to the tune of $1.1 million and got only 4 years in prison (which we have to pay for too!).
Supposedly they will pay restitution, but where will they get that kind of money running a legitimate business? And, besides especially with the Middle Easterners, most of the money has long ago left the country! Why not just deport them! ...