Tuesday, December 9, 2014

American Thinker - M. Joseph Sheppard: Have Black Voters Left the Building? - "This article is a perfect example of why average Americans always have the choice between the Multicultural Marxist Party and the Stupid Cowardly Party. ... "

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Have Black Voters Left the Building? 

In July, New York Times political writer Nate Cohn wrote a long piece, "Demographic Shift Black Southern Voters, Poised to Play a Historic Role," in which he surveyed the collapse of white support for the Democratic Party (in the November election, Senator Landrieu in Louisiana received only 18 percent of the white vote) and the vital, as he saw it, new role of Southern black voters.

Using Georgia as an example, Cohn found that "demographics" might win the Senate for the Dems ...

     This article is a perfect example of why average Americans always have the choice between the Multicultural Marxist Party and the Stupid Cowardly Party. Dream on GOP and your clueless media and campaign advisers. Countless polls have shown that the GOP does not lose Black voters because it does not 'reach out,' but because a vast majority of ALL non-White (NOT just Black) voters disagree with what are supposed to be the core values of the GOP. An overwhelming majority of non-White voters believe in larger government and more social programs. Yes, it is cultural, but undoubtedly part genetic, since Western Europeans probably developed their unusually high degree of individualism through natural selection partly due to the environment they found themselves in for thousands of years. 

    In addition, although it might be a bit behind most of the rest of the nation in this, the federally imposed, including past presidents and congresses, devastating racial demographic changes, including Muslims and you name it, are also rapidly taking place in the South. Obama recently visited Nashville to celebrate its being one of the top cities in the nation enthusiastically demographically stomping out a White majority. 

     Prescribes M. Joseph Sheppard: "a move to a genuine multiculturalism based on mutual respect and mutuality of interest, with prosperity the cure for the ills of society." Of course this is the old dreamy snake oil the GOP sips as it consults its travel map, based on the insistent merry belief that everything is ultimately economic. And the GOP will likely continue to use that map to navigate us speeding through the wintry North Atlantic until we finally hit that last big berg. (Which will not be long from now.)

     Why has such utopian multiculturalism never been a long-term success in the history of the world? (It can work with captive peoples in an empire with a hammer above their heads, but comes apart when the empire does.) Why are the elites of no other peoples than White-majority nations, and the Tribe (but for White Gentiles only, NOT for Israel), pursuing these policies with unquestioning religious fervor? How could such ideas so divorced from history and experience in real world, be considered, in the wildest stretches of the imagination, 'conservative'?