Monday, December 1, 2014

AmRen - Early Holt: The Hopeless Stupidity of the Republican National Committee - "someone once quipped that all a black has to do is deliver a pizza to Republican headquarters in most counties and they’ll try to groom him for public office."

The Hopeless Stupidity of the Republican National Committee

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Is there a way to reform the GOP?
Last year, the Chairman of the Republican National Committee announced plans for the RNC to spend millions of dollars and endless man-hours on “minority outreach” programs into black and Hispanic neighborhoods. Other than endanger canvassers by sending them into dangerous “hoods” and barrios, this program has achieved nothing beyond confirming the RNC’s practice of squandering funds donated by supporters. I do not make this allegation flippantly.
When I lived in St. Louis, Missouri, from 1983 to 2009, I got to know a wealthy black couple who often attended Republican functions. When I asked why they were Republicans, the wife candidly replied, “Because the lines are shorter.”
In the same vein, someone once quipped that all a black has to do is deliver a pizza to Republican headquarters in most counties and they’ll try to groom him for public office. The current RNC leadership seems particularly susceptible to opportunistic blacks who feign allegiance to GOP principles in order to benefit themselves.
This is not to suggest that there aren’t some genuinely honorable and principled blacks who have found a home in the GOP. The difference is that they didn’t have to be recruited to be part of a “team photo.” They managed to find their own way into the party because they were attracted by its message and philosophy.
I suspect those who must be recruited–and are attracted by whatever benefits the RNC offers–will pretend to be loyal so long as the benefits continue while continuing to vote “Democrat.”
Colin Powell is a good example of a black man with little or no allegiance to Republican principles who, nonetheless, is usually the first in line to accept any favors the GOP offers. Although he publicly supported Barrack Obama in 2008 and 2012, a great many “establishment” Republicans and RNC-types actually wanted to draft Mr. Powell for a spot on the national ticket in several recent elections.
The same mentality was at work when a black, former Alabama Congressman named Artur Davis ...