Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Occidental Observer - Enza Ferreri: Beginning of an Italian Civil War against Immigration - "'We feel like strangers in our own homes, surrounded by immigrants, nomads, transsexuals, pickpockets, and drunks,' adds Tullio. ... To date, Italy has rescued 160,000 people from the Mediterranean."

Beginning of an Italian Civil War against Immigration

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For once we have riots that are not by anti-white black protesters — to whose violence Ferguson, among others, has accustomed us — but by indigenous Europeans defending their land against invaders.
In Rome, on the night of 10–11 November, a group of residents of the Tor Sapienza suburb living in public housing attempted to assault the local centre for refugees and asylum seekers incongruously named “Il sorriso” (The Smile), throwing stones and bottles and setting dumpsters on fire, amidst broken glass and screams of “We want to burn you”.
The reception centre houses over 40 youths — Gambians, Congolese, Ethiopians and other Africans, plus Afghans and Syrians — rescued from their boats crossing the Mediterranean.
The local residents have long been concerned about health and crime issues associated with Il sorriso and, after their complaints to the authorities went unheeded, they took matters into their own hands.
“The tension” said Tommaso Ippoliti, president of the Tor Sapienza Committee, “is skyrocketing. For years this neighbourhood has been abandoned, you cannot go out at night, and lately assaults and thefts have increased. A few days ago a girl walking her dog was molested in the park in mid-afternoon. As a committee we distance ourselves from the violence of last night, but people are rightly exasperated. We demand more security.”
“Police are scarce and the city has not responded to requests for more security and better controls of the migrant centres,” he added. ...