Wednesday, January 7, 2015

RR Watch - Ann Corcoran: Syrian Muslims headed to your state! You must speak up! - "Just a reminder! One year ago: Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and Ranking Member of the Judiciary Committee Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), were all present at the hearing and unanimously expressed support for opening up the U.S. to more Syrian [Muslim] Refugees."

Syrian Muslims headed to your state! You must speak up!

As I sit fixated on the terrible news from France as it comes in (the country that until recently led Europe with its love of  multiculturalism and one of the first to open its doors to Muslim migrants) what are readers most interested in here at RRW?  It is this post:  Syrian Muslims headed to North Dakota, Nebraska and Kentucky.
Thousands are reading it and passing it along and another several thousand are visiting this post: So where might those Syrians be going?

Just a reminder! One year ago: “Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and Ranking Member of the Judiciary Committee Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), were all present at the hearing and unanimously expressed support for opening up the U.S. to more Syrian Refugees.”
France has learned the hard way, as is most of Europe now—they let in the invaders!
It’s too early to say whether America might be getting the message, and certainly my small but growing readership couldn’t possibly be definitive, but I can at least say there is something happening, some encouraging movement happening.
I can also say, and in this case, unequivocally! that without the Refugee Resettlement Program in the US, we would be in a much better position to fend off the Islamisation (the Hijra, the Jihad) from within.
Just recently I came across some numbers you should know.   We resettled 79,266 Somali Muslims in the US since 2004.  We also resettled 71,187 Muslim Iraqis (40,000 of that number are Sunni Muslims) since 2004.  And, much to my great surprise, we dropped off in your towns 11,451 Burmese Muslims in 11 years!  There are others, from other countries, but those are just three of the big ones.
Only a tiny number of those ethnic/religious groups would have gotten here (found their way here!) without the UN and the US State Department working together to facilitate their migration to America.
Asst. Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration, Anne Richard, has announced we will take approximately 10,000 Syrians. Most will be selected by the UN and will thus come from UN camps which house mostly Muslims.
Everyone with concerns, must now contact your US Senators and Members of Congress!   In truth we do need to do much more, but no one is taking a lead!
By the way, the state receiving the most refugees is Texas!  So, at minimum let Ted Cruz know what you think!