Friday, January 9, 2015

The Paris Attack and Western Elites - Don Feder - American Thinker - "Islam is preparing our resting place. Western elites are carrying the coffin."

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Marie Merkel Antoinette? --tma

The Paris Attack and Western Elites
Pop quiz.
Savages go on a shooting spree at the offices of a satirical magazine. While they're murdering journalists, the killers shout:
  1. Hail Mary full of grace…
  2. John 14:6
  3. Shema Yisrael
  4. Allahu akbar
A captive is beheaded by:
  1. The Salvation Army
  2. The Book of the Month Club
  3. The National Geographic
  4. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)
In Europe, demonstrators carry signs calling for "Death to the Jews" and proclaiming "Hitler was right!" are:
  1. Octogenarian Nazis
  2. Members of the Church of Scientology
  3. Representatives of Jimmy Dean Pork Sausages
  4. Moslems
Someone who plants a shrapnel-packed bomb near the finish line of a marathon is likely to belong to:
  1. an Ashram
  2. a Reform synagogue
  3. a Masonic Lodge
  4. a Mosque
You’ll probably get death threats if you:
  1. Produce something called “Piss Christ”
  2. Make a movie that presents Moses as a psycho
  3. Call Tea Party members terrorists
  4. Do or say anything which shows Mohammed in an unflattering light
The response to the latest Religion of Peace atrocity – the attack on a humor magazine in Paris that left 12 dead, 17 wounded -- was craven, inane and utterly predictable.
French President Francois Hollande called the murders by jihadists shouting “God is great” and “The Prophet has been avenged,” “barbaric” and (going way out on a limb) “without a doubt an act of terrorism.” He did not specify the type of terrorism – eco-terrorism, narco- terrorism, Basque terrorism? This is unsurprising, as the socialist president was elected with the support of 93% of of French Moslems.
Germany’s Interior Minister, Tomas de Maziere, took a baby step further, calling the Paris slaughter the work of  “extremist Islamism, Islamic terrorism,” which  “is something quite different from Islam.” If you don’t believe him, just ask the leaders of the largest mosque in Madrid or the central mosque in the German City of Bremen. Oh, I forgot, you can’t. Both centers of devotion were closed by police in 2014 for spreading ISIL propaganda or recruiting fighters for Iraq and Syria. ...