Tuesday, March 3, 2015

American Thinker - Patricia L. Dickson: Proper English Grammar Is Now Racist, charges Melissa A. Fabello - Image of William Shakespeare without his Klan attire. --tma

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Image result for william shakespeare

William Shakespeare without his Klan attire

Proper English Grammar Is Now Racist

It seems like not a day goes by without my reading about some new absurdity. I ran across an article written by some left-wing lunatic who purports to be an English teacher and who is part of what she calls the “social justice movement”. 

She writes for a blog called Everyday Feminist. She claims that demanding that everyone speak proper English grammar is “grammar snobbery” and is oppressive and racist. Why is it oppressive and racist? Because the dictionary was written by a white supremacist, heteropatriarchal system ...
