Friday, March 6, 2015

Express - Oxford: Asian [Muslim] gangs were allowed to prey on vulnerable girls - "fewer than 370 girls over a 15-year period"

Asian gangs were allowed to prey on vulnerable girls

IMAGINE a scenario in which large gangs of white thugs systematically groom, exploit and rape thousands of under-age Asian girls across England.
Six members of the paedophile ring in Oxford

In this fictional narrative the authorities not only fail to take action against the abusers but even blame the victims.
It would never come close to happening in modern Britain. Social services, the police and local councillors would not tolerate such organised racist depravity for a moment.
All their instincts would rightly be to protect the vulnerable girls and hunt down the vicious predators. Yet as we have seen from a host of recent abuse scandals this kind of moral imperative is lost when the roles are reversed.
In the repeated cases involving the assault of white girls by Muslim sex gangs, outrage and determination are replaced by obfuscation and denial. Through cowardice and perverted multicultural dogma, compassion for the abused gives way to collusion with the abusers.
The institutionalised failure to tackle abuse was highlighted once more by this week’s independent report into the child-protection systems run by Oxfordshire County Council and the Thames Valley Police.
Headed by Maggie Blyth, the independent chair of Oxfordshire’s Safeguarding Board, the study revealed that failings by the authorities in the county led to the brutal exploitation of no fewer than 370 girls over a 15-year period. ...