Sunday, March 1, 2015

VDare: Jeb Bush’s Greatest Liability (Aside From His Immigration Enthusiasm) May Be His Wife - "Any advantage Bush may have gained from having a Hispanic wife will be eviscerated by the jeering commentary about her opulent tastes."

Jeb Bush’s Greatest Liability (Aside From His Immigration Enthusiasm) May Be His Wife

Just as Laura Ingraham predicted, the Main Stream Media’s spin on Jeb Bush’s appearance at CPAC is that he survived (although heapparently bused in supporters and still did very badly in Saturday’s presidential straw poll). But an arrogant Establishment Republican named Bush with a spendthrift Mexican immigrant wife with a taste for expensive things—now there’s a presidential couple that will inspire the historic American nation!
Some Republicans are excited about Jeb Bush because he has a Hispanic wife, Columba. Thus The Hill refers to Jeb’s Hispanic wife as his “secret weapon” for winning the presidency. [How Jeb Bush’s wife could help win him the White House, by Jonathan Easley, Jan. 28, 2015]. Needless to say, this crude tokenism will fail in the general election because of the overriding Latin American-style economic and political commitments of Hispanics. But there seems to be no limit to the GOP’s appetite for minority-pandering. ...