Wednesday, April 1, 2015

AmRen - Graham Seibert - Ukraine: A Last Bastion of Whiteness? - "I don’t worry about being called a racist. People here believe what was considered for generations to be common sense" - Well worth reading to end! --tma

A Last Bastion of Whiteness? 
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An American finds a racial identity far from home.
Some years ago, I decided to start a new life. I wanted to get away from an America that had taught even my own children to despise our Mayflower heritage. In September 2007, I went to Kiev, in Ukraine, to study Russian for a month, and then went back to Kiev in November. The next spring I folded my US household, sold my cars, activated Social Security, and signed a long-term lease in Kiev. Over the next two years I continued learning Russian and making contacts. In September 2009 I met a Ukrainain woman whom I married in 2010. We had a son in 2011, and built a house in 2012.
I am committed to homeschooling my son here. He starts life as a dual citizen, but by the time he is grown the West may have choked on its multiculturalism and debt, and Ukraine will have begun to realize its potential. The Ukrainian passport could be the more valuable. In any case, he will be bilingual. My wife and I speak English to each other and his education will be in English, but for now my son and I converse in Russian. Meanwhile, I have become a close observer of life in Ukraine. ...